Legal News

All You Need To Know About DACA And The DREAMers

18 August, 2022


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The DACA program completes 10 years. The beneficiaries of the DACA or Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program have been under persistent legal scrutiny. 

The program guarantees the authorization to work for immigrants who had been brought into the US territory by illegal means when they were children.

So What Qualifications Are Required For The DACA Program?

So What Qualifications Are Required For The DACA Program

An individual has to possess the following qualifications.

  • They should be under 31 years of age(on the 15th of June, 2012)
  • They should have been inside the US before their 16th birthday.
  • Should be living in the US since 15th June 2007.
  • Should have lost legal status.
  • Must have graduated from high school in the US.
  • Should not be a convicted felon. 

The Dreamers are the potential beneficiaries of the Dream Act. Development, Relief, and Education for Alien Minors Act, commonly called the DREAM Act, is the piece of legislation that has been proposed to Congress(April 2001). Modified and introduced into Congress quite a few times, the Bill is yet to achieve the status of an Act. 

The Dream Act has not yet been passed by Congress and aims to provide temporary employment to undocumented immigrants who came into the US as minors. 

So What Difference Lies In Between The Dreamers And The Daca Receivers?

The term “Dreamers” in context to US legislation includes all undocumented immigrant youth. However, the DACA Program includes only the recipients of the program. 

Although the base concepts remain similar, the numbers vary.

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