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US Supreme Court Rejects Racial Challenge To Native American Adoption Law

16 June, 2023


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The US Supreme Court on Saturday defended a decade-old federal principle that provides importance to Native American and tribal children in adoption and foster care facilities of ‘Indian’ children. 

This means it has rejected the notion that the parts of this law have a racial bias against non-Native American children in the region.

The 7-2 ruling has overruled the lower court decision that has crossed down as a violation of the guarantee of equal protection under the law by the US Constitution. 

This has been regarding that ‘other Indian families’ tend to receive preferential treatment in terms of adoption and foster care facilities by other Native Americans and tribal members. 

The Supreme Court has found out that the plaintiff, which are Republican-ruled Texas and three non-Native American families lacked the necessary evidence to continue the case. 

The Supreme Court Justice has also been observed to reject some necessary challenges to the law of the ‘Indian Child Welfare Act of 1978’ on certain grounds. The decision came after a week after the court ruled against the challenge to another federal law. 

This law has been aimed at the protection of racial minorities in the United States. This has been particularly rejected by the justices of the Supreme Court after determining the Republican’s aim in diluting Black voters from the Alabama electoral map. 

Congress has been known to pass the ‘Indian Child Welfare Act’ for restricting the long practice of removing Native American children from their own families and transferring them to non-Native American families.

At the time this act was passed, it was observed that 25%-35% of children belonging to primarily Native American states were moved to non-Native American regions. 

The administration of Joe Biden has been noted to defend the law. This is because the decision provides vital protection for tribal sovereignty and the Native American youth of the nation. 

Biden stated that the history of the US was dark as the early settlers tried to erase the existence of Native Americans. This was done by sending these children to boarding schools and non-Native American families for the purpose of erasing their culture. And enhancing Western values and cultures. 

Such practices have terrorized generations of Native American children that amounted to cruelty, which threatened the very survival of the Tribal Nation.

Native Americans Welcomed The Decision With Joy

The decision by the US Supreme Court has been cheered by Native American groups. 

Both organizations, the Indian Child Welfare Association and the National Congress of American Indians, have been overcome by joy by the decision. 

Moreover, the Republican judges have also stated that it would be impermissible to allow Congress to pass acts that would allow adoption or foster care based on one’s racial preferences. For instance, White parents are given preferences for adopting a white child.

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Jyoti Jha is a freelance SEO content writer for tech , health, and education-related content. With 5 years of experience in the industry, I am creating high-quality content that captivates readers and delivers value.

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