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Impeachment Inquiry Hearing Against President Biden Begins

29 September, 2023


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The House of Representatives in the United States will hold its first hearing on an impeachment proceeding. This proceeding pertains to the impeachment inquiry against Democratic President Mr. Joe Biden. 

The hearing is set to take place on Thursday in the Republican Party majority House of Representatives in the US. After 2 days from the hearing, Congress will hit the deadline for a government shutdown. 

The conducting committee for the hearing is the House Oversight Committee. No new information will be revealed about the president’s financial ties to his son. 

Only the information that we have thus far on Hunter Biden’s business will be on trial. This case will consist of a justification for the inquiry and a review of the information that the Republican Party has given so far. 

This information is according to James Comer, who is the chairperson of the panel. As the hearing goes on, the judges will hear statements from a former employee of the United States Justice Department. 

A forensic accountant and a professor of law in an accredited law college in the United States will also give their statements. The primary purpose of this inquiry will be to look into the allegations against the president and his son’s business activities. 

The inquiry will also focus on the policies Biden had when he was a vice president to President Obama. The Republicans hold that the Justice Department has interfered with a tax investigation going on against the first son, Hunter Biden.

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