Legal Guides

What Is A Business Lawyer? When To Hire Them?

30 August, 2022


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Business lawyer? Do you really need one?

But you’re not facing any legal trouble with your business! Here’s an answer to “ do I need to look for a small business lawyer near me? ”

Well, yes, you do, if you are willing to be a legally compliant business.

Law is daunting. Lawyers are expensive. — I know, I know.

As a fellow business runner, I’d like to tell you that a business lawyer not only fights your legal battles but also keeps you from starting one, which can save you a lot of money in the first place. 

What Is A Business Lawyer? – A Question Often Asked

What Is A Business Lawyer - A Question Often Asked

The world of lawyers can seem scary if you are not a native to it. But for those of us who are, it is Terrifying. 

To put it simply, a business lawyer is one who takes care to see that your business is working according to the laws and bylaws established by the locality, state, nation, as well as international treaties. 

A business lawyer often called a Corporate Lawyer, is a legally qualified and licensed professional who deals with all things businesses. Now, what might that include? To get an answer to that, you should first ask — “ what does a business lawyer do? ”

A quick look into the vast range of matters your business lawyer can handle:

  • Setting up your business.
  • Guarantee and enforce your intellectual rights.
  • Draft solid contracts.
  • Set up legally authentic employee practices. 
  • Handle business claims.
  • Handle the known and unknown risks.
  • And a lot more. 

Being a person of business, you might not know what business laws were passed 20 years back or what law has been passed very recently. And that is okay. Your business lawyer can take care of it. 

What Should You Look For In A Business Lawyer?

hat Should You Look For In A Business Lawyer

Successful Business Lawyers generally:

  1. Graduate from college with a bachelor’s degree.
  2. Clear the LSATs, and the admission test.
  3. Finish law school and earn their Juris Doctor degree.
  4. Gather lots of experience through internships at business law firms.
  5. Lastly, pass the state bar exam. 
  6. A good corporate or business lawyer general has experience handling a variety of cases.

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Suing Or Being Sued?

Suing Or Being Sued

On a personal note, if you are hiring a business lawyer to strictly fight a legal battle that you are a part of, it is better to hire one who has a record of getting good settlements awarded by the Court. It could definitely earn your business a good reputation and some decent money!

Money Money: How Much Does A Business Lawyer Cost?

Hiring a business lawyer in the USA can cost you around $100 to $500 an hour. This can however vary with the matter of the case, the availability of other attorneys, and the location. 

So, How Much Does A Business Lawyer Make?

The average earnings of a business lawyer are estimated to be around $192,000 a year. It has been reported that a business lawyer earns the most in San Francisco. 

A lawyer’s income may vary from place to place. It also depends on the kind of area he is practicing in– A rural or an urban one. 

When To Hire A Business Lawyer?

When To Hire A Business Lawyer

If you are wondering when would be the perfect time to “ hire a business lawyer near me ”, let me tell you when. 

A few occasions that are perfect for a business lawyer are:

When You Are Buying Or Selling Your Company.

When You Are Buying Or Selling Your Company.

Buying or selling a business is tricky business. And it involves a lot of money.

Your business lawyer does not just tell you all about the laws. He even lets you know if you are getting a good deal on the company being bought or sold.

If You Are The Buyer

When buying a company, your business lawyer can:

  • Point out the faults and disabilities of the company you are buying.
  • Give you a heads up on any legal trouble that the company is in.
  • He can even resolve legal disputes before registering the company under your name. 

If You Are The Seller

When selling, they can:

  • Prevent you from signing on questionable terms.
  • Collect and keep a record of the information that is to be handed over to the new owner.
  • Resolve legal troubles before selling which can increase the value of the company.

When There Is A Change In Business Structure.

When There Is A Change In Business Structure.

Choosing an apt business structure might just be the clicking point in the successful running of your company. And guess what? You can consult your business lawyer about it! 

These decisions include things like choosing the correct tax model, the correct terms and policies, acquiring the proper rights, etc.

In the case of multiple business partners, a business lawyer is a necessity as they can see if the terms are right by all the partners, and there is no partiality. 

When Starting Your Own Business.

When Starting Your Own Business.

When starting your own business or a new business, your lawyer can help you:

  • Choose a proper name for your business
  • Draft proper terms for your business.
  • Draft partnerships and other shareholding agreements. 
  • Help out with leases and other transactions.
  • And so much more

Protection Of Intellectual Property Rights.

Protection Of Intellectual Property Rights.

Your business lawyer can help you draft such rights that can protect business trade secrets, algorithms, techniques, and even recipes. Your business attorney can make sure that anyone else trying to profit from your recipes can be sued on that basis.

Drafting Employment Terms And Agreements.

Drafting Employment Terms And Agreements.

A business might be tricky to run. But the multiple agreements that go into the smooth functioning of one may be unknown to most.

Good agreements could give you an edge over your competitors. 

These agreements might include the following.

  • wage requirements, 
  • compensation, 
  • discrimination, 
  • harassment, 
  • and other policies. 

Legal Business Compliance- Good Reputation-More Revenue.

You hire a good business lawyer; he helps your company keep up-to-date with all the right laws. You get a good reputation in the market. More clients choose you. 

You make more money

Contracts Signing, Breach, And Compensation.

Contracts Signing, Breach, And Compensation.

A business needs binding contracts to work. 

Contracts can be with 

  • employees, 
  • suppliers, 
  • can be a non-disclosure agreement(NDA), 
  • or even leases. 

A business lawyer is the one to go to in such cases. They can even ensure that you get paid compensation for a breach. 

Your Lawyer Will Fight Your Battles While You Sit Back And Watch.

Your Lawyer Will Fight Your Battles While You Sit Back And Watch.

Your business lawyer can fight all the disputes on your behalf. These disputes can be of various natures:

  • Contract.
  • Partnership.
  • Employment.
  • Intellectual Property Rights.
  • Shareholder. 
  • Pretty much all things under the Sun. 

Your Business Lawyer Is An Asset: Use It!

Out of all the above-mentioned reasons, you should hire a business lawyer because he can make it all easy for you. From the beginning to the end of your business, your business lawyer can make it all easy, less time-consuming, and way cheaper for you in the long run. 

If you are wondering where to look for a business lawyer, be it a business litigation lawyer or a business bankruptcy lawyer, reach out to us, we might just have the fit for you!

Hope you enjoyed reading the article. Please let us know if we can improve!

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