Mortgage Attorney- What Legal Problems Can They Help You With?
A mortgage lawyer or a mortgage attorney specializes in mortgages and related issues. They handle disputes and aid clients in....
By LawyersNote
16 Dec 2023829 Views
81 percent of American adults were fully banked. They all have legitimate bank accounts. This is from the 2020 Federal Reserves report on the economic well-being of US households.
Digital Bank users make up around 197 million people in the US population. This was the scene in March 2021. It will be 217 million by 2025.
Part of the population using digital banking has grown from 61% to 65% in the past 5 years.
To tend to these 200 million people, Banking and Finance law is a very important part of US law. Banks provide a safe facility for keeping your hard-earned money. They have early interest rates and schemes through which your money increases in value over time.
You, a citizen of the United States, can be relieved because the Federal government well protects your money. Banking and Finance laws are the strength of America’s economy. They protect the banking and financial systems and ensure smooth working.
The economy goes through ups and downs. Banking and Finance laws are designed to keep the system up and running in difficult times of economic depression or recession.
In this article, we will tell you all about the Banking and Finance laws currently applicable in the US. We also elaborate on how you benefit from them.
There are numerous banking and finance laws in the United States. These are brought into force by the Congress after getting a majority. Various regulatory bodies help in the execution of these laws.
These laws promote economic growth, protect consumers, and ensure security in all financial transactions. Let us now see where these laws come from.
In the early days of American colonization, there was no centralized banking system. Citizens relied on private merchants who had their own rules. That was no single form of currency. This is when Banking and Finance laws started their earliest work. A standard form of currency was fixed to avoid confusion and disputes.
The Revolutionary War had just taken place. There was a growing need for a stable and unitary financial system. The Federal US government established the First Bank of the United States in 1791. This set up a central system for Banking and Finance.
There started to be a lot of debates questioning the constitutionality of the first bank. This led to the establishment of the Second Bank of the United States in 1816. Slowly, the role of a National Bank came into question.
1830 saw the absence of a central banking authority. Various States began to Charter their own banks and currencies. Absolute confusion, financial instability, and banking failures were common occurrences.
Soon, new banking regulations were developed.
These banking and finance laws served as the precursors to the current laws we benefit from.
The Banking Act of 1935 was also called the Bank Holding Company Act. It was established to counter the concentration of financial power within a select few banking corporations. These corporations were the holding companies that controlled multiple banks. This act regulated the workings of these holding companies. Consumer protection and fair competition was the main purpose of the law.
It restricted the functions of the bank holding companies. The government controlled the monopolistic tendencies by preventing their non-banking activities.
The National Banking Act came into force in 1863. It was supposed to put an end to the chaotic banking practices. It brought national banks onto the scene and established a uniform banking system throughout the US.
The act authorized the first-ever national banknotes. These notes were backed by the federal government.
Therefore, the National Banking Act of 1863 came up with a consistent and regulated banking system.
This Act was a landmark legislation. It created the Federal Reserve System. The system still serves as the central banking authority of the United States. Banking and finance law experts claim that this act revolutionized the nation’s monetary policy.
The act established the Federal Reserve System.
A modern banking and finance system was set up.
The Act was passed in the year 1933. After the Great Depression, the government wanted to solve all conflicts of interest. This Act called for the separation of commercial banking activities.
The mundane and common activities, such as taking deposits and making loans, would be treated differently from corporate forms of trading.
These acts enabled transparency and regulation for securities. It was enacted after the stock market crash of 1929.
This act stated that all companies giving out securities will need a piece of detailed and accurate information to their investors. The Act would prevent consumers from being victims of fraudulent practices by investors.
This act brought the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) into force. The commission would set up rules for securities exchanges and enforce similar laws.
Together, these acts regulated the securities and exchange system.
Now that we have gone through the main precursors to the banking and finance laws let us look at some of the current ones in the US.
Banking and finance regulations provide financial stability, consumer protection, and effective methods of crisis management. Let us look at some of these banking and finance laws of the US.
The Dodd-Frank Act is a landmark piece of legislation. It takes care of the loopholes in the financial system. This Act was established after the devastating aftermath of the Global Financial Crisis (GFC) of 2008. The crisis was extremely damaging to the world economy. It originated in the United States and went on to greatly affect the global economy.
The act has multiple provisions to ensure financial stability, consumer protection, and increased transparency in the banking system.
Therefore, this is how the Dodd-Frank Act makes it into the list of the most important banking and finance laws of the US. It takes special care related to clearing, reporting, and trading practices.
According to the statistics, a total of $227.8 million was laundered in the USA in 2020. A huge sum of $300 billion is laundered through the United States each year. As the name suggests, the Bank Secrecy Act prevents money laundering and other financial crimes.
It establishes transparency in banking and financial transactions. The USA PATRIOT Act (Uniting and Strengthening America by Providing Appropriate Tools Required to Intercept and Obstruct Terrorism Act) broadened the scope of the Bank Secrecy Act. It was brought into effect after the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks.
These pillars of US banking and finance law took the following steps.
All financial institutions in the US would set up these programs to prevent money laundering.
All financial institutions should report suspicious transactions to authorities through the power given by the Act.
The USA PATRIOT Act requires all financial institutions to verify the identities of companies. This protects consumers from fraudulent behavior.
The Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act (GLBA) removed restrictions established by the Glass-Steagall Act. This helped banks and other financial institutions take a modern and apt approach.
These are the beneficial provisions of this banking and finance law.
On the face of it, the banking and finance laws of the United States may look complicated. However, each Act has its distinct role to play. Parts of International banking and finance law also serve these purposes.
Laws related to banking and finance are not limited to the ones I have discussed in the article. There are, in fact, so many that the article would never come to an end.
Without banking laws, there would be absolute chaos. For starters, there would be no uniform currency in the US. 50 states would probably have 50 different types of currency. There would be no consumer protection, no regulatory body to protect you from money laundering, you get the idea. If you have further doubts, leave a comment below or contact a banking attorney of your choice.
Thus, it is safe to say that banking and finance law is our way to a safe and stable economy.
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